HP Prime/Commands
This is a reference of every command and ability available to you on the HP Prime.
- All About:
- Important directives:
- Mixed-HOME-CAS Programs
- Time Testing
- Forward Declarations
- Error Codes
- Misc. Information
- Template:HPPPL Command
About This Documentation
Each command guide is broken up into the following sections:
The official HP documentation.
Details about how the command can be used.
The errors a command can throw.
Example usage for a command.
Time Testing
The results of testing various invocations of this command for speed. Time testing uses the following terms:
- TSTN: Times Slower Than Nil. A measure of how fast a command is compared to executing an empty function. This number is a ratio, and is thus portable between real calculators and the virtual one.
- Real IPMS: How many times this command can be executed in one millisecond. Only applies to a real calculator. (TODO: Find if hardware revisions change speed significantly)
- Virtual IPMS: Like Real IPMS, but on the virtual calculator. Not generally recorded, because this value depends on system architecture.
Known Issues
A list of bugs in the current software version.
Differences in the command's execution between software releases.
See Also
Related commands.
HOME Command List
These are command provided by HPPPL, and not xCas.
Basic Operators
Name | Description |
* | Multiplies two numbers. |
+ | Adds two numbers. |
- | Subtracts two numbers, or negates. |
/ | Divides two numbers. |
^ | Raises x to the power y. |
MOD | Calculates x modulo y. |
NEG | Negates a number. |
.* | Multiplies each element in two matrices individually. |
.+ | Adds a single value to every element in a list or matrix. |
.- | Subtracts a single value to every element in a list or matrix. |
.^ | Divides each element in two lists or matrices individually. |
Numeric Manipulation
Name | Description |
ABS | The absolute value function. |
CEILING | The ceiling function. |
FLOOR | The floor function. |
FP | Finds the fractional part of a number. |
IP | Finds the integer part of a number. |
MANT | Returns the significant digits of a number. |
MAX | Finds the largest element. |
MIN | Finds the smallest element. |
ROUND | Rounds a value to n places (or significant digits). |
SIGN | Returns the sign of a number. |
TRUNCATE | Truncates a value to n places (or significant digits). |
XPON | Returns the exponent of a number. |
Name | Description |
! | The factorial function. |
% | Takes x percent of y. |
%CHANGE | Calculates percent change from x to y. |
%TOTAL | Finds the percentage of x that is y. |
ALOG | Calculates 10 to the power of x. |
EXP | Returns e to the power of x. |
EXPM1 | Returns e to the power of x, minus 1. |
LN | The natural log function. |
LNP1 | Finds the LN of a number, plus 1. |
LOG | The n-base log function. |
NTHROOT | Calculates the nth root of x. |
Σ | Computes the numerical sum of an expression over a range. |
∂ | Computes the numerical derivative of an expression. |
√ | The square root function. |
∫ | Computes the numeric integral of an expression over a range. |
| Raises a number to the power of -1. |
Name | Description |
ACOS | The inverse cosine function. |
ACOSH | The hyperbolic inverse cosine function. |
ACOT | The inverse cotangent function. |
ACSC | The inverse cosecant function. |
ASEC | The inverse secant function. |
ASIN | The inverse sine function. |
ASINH | The hyperbolic inverse sine function. |
ATAN | The inverse tangent function. |
ATANH | The hyperbolic inverse tangent function. |
COS | The cosine function. |
COSH | The hyperbolic cosine function. |
COT | The cotangent function. |
CSC | The cosecant function. |
SEC | The secant function. |
SIN | The sine function. |
SINH | The hyperbolic sine function. |
TAN | The tangent function. |
TANH | The hyperbolic tangent function. |
Name | Description |
COMB | The nCr function. Finds n combinations of r. |
PERM | The nPr function. Finds n permutations of r. |
RANDINT | Returns a random integer or list of random integers. |
RANDMAT | Creates a matrix of random values. |
RANDNORM | Returns a random number within a normal distribution. |
RANDOM | Returns a random real or list of random reals. |
RANDSEED | Sets the RNG seed. |
Probability Distributions
Name | Description |
BINOMIAL | Computes the binomial distribution. |
BINOMIAL_CDF | Computes the cumulative binomial distribution. |
BINOMIAL_ICDF | Computes the inverse cumulative binomial distribution. |
CHISQUARE | Computes the chi-square distribution. |
CHISQUARE_CDF | Computes the cumulative chi-square distribution. |
CHISQUARE_ICDF | Computes the inverse cumulative chi-square distribution. |
FISHER | Computes the Fisher distribution. |
FISHER_CDF | Computes the cumulative Fisher distribution. |
FISHER_ICDF | Computes the inverse cumulative Fisher distribution. |
GEOMETRIC | Computes the geometric distribution. |
GEOMETRIC_CDF | Computes the cumulative geometric distribution. |
GEOMETRIC_ICDF | Computes the inverse cumulative geometric distribution. |
NORMALD | Computes the normal distribution. |
NORMALD_CDF | Computes the cumulative normal distribution. |
NORMALD_ICDF | Computes the inverse cumulative normal distribution. |
POISSON | Computes the Poisson distribution. |
POISSON_CDF | Computes the cumulative Poisson distribution. |
POISSON_ICDF | Computes the inverse cumulative Poisson distribution. |
STUDENT | Computes the Student distribution. |
STUDENT_CDF | Computes the cumulative Student distribution. |
STUDENT_ICDF | Computes the inverse cumulative Student distribution. |
UTPT | Computes the Upper-Tail Student distribution. NOTE: Documented but not implemented in HPPPL. |
UTPN | Computes the Upper-Tail Normal distribution. NOTE: Documented but not implemented in HPPPL. |
UTPF | Computes the Upper-Tail F-Probability distribution. NOTE: Documented but not implemented in HPPPL. |
UTPC | Computes the Upper-Tail Chi-Squared distribution. NOTE: Documented but not implemented in HPPPL. |
Name | Description |
ABS | The complex absolute value function. |
ARG | Finds the angle of a complex number. |
CONJ | Finds the conjugate of a complex number. |
IM | Finds the imaginary part. |
RE | Finds the real part. |
SIGN | Returns the unit vector. |
Name | Description |
CONVERT | Converts one unit to another. |
→HMS | Converts a value to HMS format. |
HMS→ | Converts a value from HMS format. |
MKSA | Converts one unit to another, using the MKSA standard. |
UFACTOR | Factors a unit expression. |
USIMPLIFY | Simplifies a unit expression. |
Name | Description |
FNROOT | Finds a root of a function. |
GF | Creates a Galois field. |
POLYCOEF | Finds the coefficients of a polynomial in vector/list form. |
POLYEVAL | Plugs a value into a polynomial into vector/list form. |
POLYROOT | Finds the roots of a polynomial in vector/list form. |
Name | Description |
Beta | The beta function. |
Ci | Finds the cosine integral up to x. |
Dirac | The Dirac delta function. |
Ei | Finds the Euler's integral up to x. |
Gamma | The gamma function. |
Heaviside | The Heaviside function. |
Psi | Returns the nth derivative of the digamma function. |
Si | Finds the sine integral up to x. |
Zeta | The zeta function. |
Airy_Ai | The Ai value of the Airy function. NOTE: Documented but not implemented in HPPPL. |
Airy_Bi | The Bi value of the Airy function. NOTE: Documented but not implemented in HPPPL. |
Name | Description |
CONCAT | Makes a list, joins two lists, or adds an item to a list. |
DIFFERENCE | Finds the elements not in common between lists. |
EXECON | Evaluates a special string to manipulate lists. |
INTERSECT | Finds the items common in two lists. |
ΣLIST | Finds the sum of a list. |
ΔLIST | Finds the difference between list elements. |
ΠLIST | Finds the product of a list. |
MAKELIST | Creates a new list based on a sequential function. |
POS | Finds the position of an element in a list. |
REPLACE | Fills a list with a certain value. |
REVERSE | Reverses a list. |
SIZE | Returns the length of a list. |
SORT | Sorts a list. |
SUB | Extracts a sub-list. |
Matrix Manipulation
Name | Description |
ADDCOL | Inserts a column into a matrix. |
ADDROW | Inserts a row into a matrix. |
DELCOL | Deletes a column from a matrix. |
DELROW | Deletes a row from a matrix. |
MAKEMAT | Creates a new matrix based on a sequential function. |
REDIM | Changes the size of a matrix. |
REPLACE | Fills a matrix with a certain value. |
SCALE | Multiplies a row of a matrix by a value. |
SCALEADD | Multiplies a row of a matrix by a value, and then adds it to another row. |
SUB | Extracts a sub-matrix. |
SWAPCOL | Exchanges two columns. |
SWAPROW | Exchanges two rows. |
TRN | Transposes a matrix. |
Matrix Math
Name | Description |
COLNORM | Finds the column norm of a matrix. |
COND | Finds the 1-norm of a square matrix. |
CROSS | Finds the cross-product of two vectors. |
DET | Finds the determinant of a square matrix. |
DOT | Finds the dot product of two vectors. |
EIGENVAL | Finds the eigenvalues of a matrix. |
EIGENVV | Finds the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix. |
IDENMAT | Creates a identity matrix of side length n. |
JordanBlock | Creates a Jordan Block matrix of size n. |
LQ | Does a LQ factorization on a matrix. |
LSQ | Does a LSQ factorization on a matrix. |
LU | Does a LU factorization on a matrix. |
QR | Does a QR factorization on a matrix. |
RANK | Finds the rank of a matrix. |
ROWNORM | Finds the row norm of a matrix. |
RREF | Computes the reduced row-echelon form of a matrix. |
SCHUR | Does a Schurman factorization on a matrix. |
SPECNORM | Finds the spectral norm of a square matrix. |
SPECRAD | Returns the spectral radius of a square matrix. |
SVD | Does a SVD factorization on a matrix. |
SVL | Returns the singular values of a matrix. |
TRACE | Finds the trace of a matrix. |
Control Flow
Name | Description |
:= | Assigns a value to a variable or indexed item. |
BEGIN | Delineates a function definition. |
BREAK | breaks out of one or more loop structures. |
CASE | A case structure. |
CONTINUE | Begins the next iteration of the loop one more more nests above it. |
EXPORT | Sets a variable or function to be visible to the user and other programs. |
FOR | A for loop. |
IF | An if/then/elseif/else block. |
IFERR | A try/catch block. |
KILL | Ends execution of a program. |
LOCAL | Creates a local variable. |
REPEAT | A repeat/until loop. |
RETURN | Returns from a function. |
VIEW | In an application program, defines a custom view. |
VIEWS | A synonym for VIEW. |
WHILE | A while/do loop. |
▶ | Stores a value in a variable. |
KEY | Defines a custom user-key. |
ICON | Embeds an image file in a program, usable as a grob. |
Name | Description |
< | The less-than operator. |
> | The greater-than operator. |
<= | The less-than-or-equal operator. |
>= | The greater-than-or-equal operator. |
== | Tests if two objects are equal. Compares lists by-element. |
<> | Tests if two objects are not equal. Compares lists by-element. |
AND | The boolean AND operator. |
IFTE | Conditionally executes one of its arguments. |
NOT | The boolean NOT operator. |
OR | The boolean OR function. |
PIECEWISE | Takes condition-expression pairs, and evaluates the first expression with the first true condition. |
XOR | The boolean XOR function. |
Name | Description |
ASC | Decomposes a string into Unicode character codes. |
CHAR | Composes one or more Unicode character codes into a string. |
DIM | Finds the number of characters in a string. |
INSTRING | Finds a substring inside a larger string. |
LEFT | Returns the first n characters of a string. |
LOWER | Turns a string into lowercase. |
MID | Returns a substring from the middle of a string. |
REPLACE | Replaces a search string with a sub-string. |
RIGHT | Returns the last n characters in a string. |
ROTATE | Rotates a string. |
STRING | Converts a value to a string, with formatting options. |
STRINGFROMID | Returns the localized string associated with the ID. |
UPPER | Converts a string to uppercase. |
Name | Description |
BITAND | The bitwise AND function. |
BITOR | The bitwise OR function. |
BITNOT | The bitwise NOT function. |
BITSL | The bitwise shift-left function. |
BITSR | The bitwise shift-right operator. |
BITXOR | The bitwise XOR function. |
B→R | Converts an bitwise integer to a real. |
GETBASE | Returns the base of an integer. |
GETBITS | Returns the bit length of an integer. |
R→B | Converts an real to a bitwise integer. |
SETBASE | Sets the base of an integer. |
SETBITS | Sets the bit length of an integer. |
Base | A variable representing the bitwise integer default base. |
Bits | A variable representing the bitwise integer default bit length. |
Signed | Gets/sets whether operations on bitwise integers are signed. |
Name | Description |
CHOOSE | Creates a choice drop-down for the user. |
DRAWMENU | Draws a soft-button menu at the bottom of the screen. |
EDITLIST | Beings the user to the List Editor. |
EDITMAT | Beings the user to the Matrix Editor. |
FREEZE | Freezes the display. |
GETKEY | Gets the key currently down, or -1 if none. |
INPUT | Opens a dialog box for input of values. |
ISKEYDOWN | Finds if a key is currently down. |
MOUSE | Returns information concerning touch screen events. |
MSGBOX | Creates a pop-up text box. |
Prints a value to the terminal or clears the terminal. | |
WAIT | Waits a certain amount of time, or until an input event occurs. |
OK | A variable containing the success/canceled result of a dialog shown to the user. |
Name | Description |
ARC | Draws an arc. |
ARC_P | Draws an arc. Uses pixel coords. |
BLIT | Copies a portion of a grob onto another grob. |
BLIT_P | Copies a portion of a grob onto another grob. Uses pixel coords. |
DIMGROB | Sets the dimensions of a grob. |
DIMGROB_P | Sets the dimensions of a grob. Uses pixel coords. |
FILLPOLY | Draws a filled polygon. |
FILLPOLY_P | Draws a filled polygon. Uses pixel coords. |
GETPIX | Returns a pixel in a grob. |
GETPIX_P | Returns a pixel in a grob. Uses pixel coords. |
GROBH | Gets the height of a grob. |
GROBH_P | Gets the height of a grob. Uses pixel coords. |
GROBW | Gets the width of a grob. |
GROBW_P | Gets the width of a grob. Uses pixel coords. |
INVERT | Inverts a region of a grob. |
INVERT_P | Inverts a region of a grob. Uses pixel coords. |
LINE | Draws a line. |
LINE_P | Draws a line. Uses pixel coords. |
PIXOFF | Sets a pixel to white on a grob. |
PIXOFF_P | Sets a pixel to white on a grob. Uses pixel coords. |
PIXON | Sets a pixel to a certain color on a grob. |
PIXON_P | Sets a pixel to a certain color on a grob. Uses pixel coords. |
RECT | Draws a rectangle, or erases the contents of a grob. |
RECT_P | Draws a rectangle, or erases the contents of a grob. Uses pixel coords. |
SUBGROB | Sets a grob to be a copy of a portion of another grob. |
SUBGROB_P | Sets a grob to be a copy of a portion of another grob. Uses pixel coords. |
TEXTOUT | Draws a string. |
TEXTOUT_P | Draws a string. Uses pixel coords. |
TRIANGLE | Draws one or more triangles. |
TRIANGLE_P | Draws one or more triangles. Uses pixel coords. |
Name | Description |
C→PX | Converts from Cartesian coordinates to pixel coordinates. |
PX→C | Converts from pixel coordinates to Cartesian coordinates. |
RGB | Creates a hex color from red, blue, green, and alpha. |
Name | Description |
CHECK | Selects a symbolic definition in this app's Symbolic view. |
STARTAPP | Starts an application. |
STARTVIEW | Starts a view of an application. |
UNCHECK | Deselects a symbolic definition in this app's Symbolic view. |
ISCHECK | Checks if a symbolic definition is selected in this app. |
App-Specific Settings
Name | Description |
AAngle | The angle setting for this app. |
AFormat | The numeric format setting for this app. |
ADigits | The digits shown inside this app. |
AComplex | The complex number mode for this app. |
AFiles | Read/write access to files associated with this app. |
AFilesB | Read/write access to binary files associated with this app. |
DelAFiles | Deletes an application file. |
ANote | Get/set the application-specific note. |
AProgram | Get/set the application-specific program. |
AVars | Get/set variables associated with this app. |
DelAVars | Deletes an application variable. |
Globals And Constants
Name | Description |
Ans | Recalls the nth item in execution history. |
MAXREAL | A constant for the largest representable real. |
MEMORY | Returns the memory used or the memory free. |
MINREAL | A constant for the smallest (greater than zero) representable real. |
PI | The constant pi. |
VERSION | Returns version information. |
SERIAL | Returns the calculator serial number. |
i | The imaginary number. |
e | Euler's constant. |
HAngle | The HOME angle setting. |
HFormat | The HOME number format setting. |
HSeparator | The HOME digit groupings. |
HDigits | The HOME digit display setting. |
HComplex | The HOME complex number setting. |
Entry | The entry mode. |
Language | The current language. |
Theme | The color scheme of the calculator UI. |
Notes | Grants read/write access to all notes in the system. |
Programs | Grants read/write access to all programs in the system. |
TOff | The amount of time to wait before automatic shutoff. |
HVars | Grants read/write access to all HOME variables defined by the user. |
DelHVars | Grants deletion access to all HOME variables defined by the user. |
Backup | Creates a backup of all memory. |
DelBackup | Deletes a backup. |
Restore | List backups or choose a backup to restore state from. |
CopyVar | Copies one variable into another without intermediate evaluation. |
A...Z | Predefined real variables. |
θ | Predefined real variable. |
Z0...Z9 | Predefined complex variables. |
L0...L9 | Predefined list variables. |
M0...M9 | Predefined matrix variables. |
G0 | A grob representing the current screen. |
G1...G9 | Predefined grob variables. |
Name | Description |
CAS | Executes a command in CAS mode. |
DEBUG | Use either as a breakpoint or to debug a function. |
EVAL | Evaluates an expression. |
EXPR | Parses and executes a string's contents. |
ITERATE | Executes a recursive function. |
QUOTE | Returns an expression unevaluated. |
TEVAL | Returns the time it takes to execute an expression. |
TICKS | Returns the amount of milliseconds in the internal clock counter. |
TYPE | Returns the type number of any object. |
EVALLIST | Evaluates all items in a list. |
Name | Description |
DATEADD | Adds days to a date. |
DAYOFWEEK | Finds the weekday number of a date. |
DDAYS | Finds the difference between two dates. |
Date | The current date. |
Time | The current time. |
CAS Command List
These are commands provided by HP Prime's on-board CAS, xCas.
Name | Description |
e | |
pi | |
infinity | |
i | |
approx_mode | |
complex_mode | |
complex_variables | |
args | |
ans | |
NULL | |
epsilon | |
euler_gamma | |
inf |
Name | Description |
complex | |
float | |
integer | |
rational | |
DOM_int | |
Name | Description |
true | |
false | |
== | |
!= | |
> | |
>= | |
< | |
<= | |
ifte | |
or | |
xor | |
and | |
not | |
&& | |
|| | |
compare | |
when |
Bitwise Operations
Name | Description |
bitor | |
bitxor | |
bitand | |
hamdist | |
convert |
Name | Description |
ord | |
asc | |
char | |
inString | |
cat | |
expr | |
format | |
latex | |
string |
Name | Description |
gcd | |
igcd | |
lgcd | |
lcm | |
ifactor | |
ifactors | |
idivis | |
iquo | |
irem | |
mod | |
iquorem | |
even | |
odd | |
isprime | |
isPrime | |
nextprime | |
prevprime | |
ithprime | |
iegcd | |
iabcuv | |
ichinrem | |
chrem | |
pa2b2 | |
euler | |
legendre_symbol | |
jacobi_symbol |
Probability Distributions
Name | Description |
exact | |
propfrac | |
numer | |
denom | |
f2nd | |
comDenom | |
propfrac | |
partfrac | |
powmod | |
fracmod | |
cpartfrac |
Name | Description |
evalf | |
+ | |
- | |
* | |
/ | |
% | |
^ | |
erf | |
erfc | |
Gamma | |
Beta | |
Psi | |
Zeta | |
max | |
min | |
abs | |
sign | |
floor | |
iPart | |
round | |
ceiling | |
frac | |
trunc | |
sq | |
sqrt | |
surd |
Name | Description |
re | |
im | |
evalc | |
abs | |
arg | |
normalize | |
conj | |
mult_c_conjugate |
Name | Description |
eval | |
quote | |
expand | |
canonical_form | |
mult_conjugate | |
factor | |
cFactor | |
zeros | |
cZeros | |
normal | |
simplify | |
ratnormal | |
subst | |
preval | |
part | |
contains | |
reduced_conic |
Name | Description |
@ | |
@@ | |
unapply | |
op | |
id | |
apply | |
of |
Name | Description |
exp | |
log | |
ln | |
log10 | |
logb | |
hyp2exp | |
expexpand | |
lnexpand | |
lin | |
lncollect | |
powexpand | |
pow2exp | |
exp2pow | |
tsimplify |
Name | Description |
froot | |
fcoeff | |
solve | |
cSolve | |
simult | |
linsolve | |
desolve | |
deSolve | |
odesolve | |
rsolve | |
newton |
Name | Description |
.. | |
left | |
right | |
interval2center |
Name | Description |
seq | |
$ |
Name | Description |
set | |
minus | |
union | |
intersect |
Name | Description |
at | |
mid | |
head | |
suppress | |
tail | |
revlist | |
rotate | |
shift | |
size | |
length | |
concat | |
append | |
prepend | |
sort | |
select | |
remove | |
member | |
contains | |
count | |
cumSum | |
map | |
apply | |
of | |
zip | |
makelist | |
deltalist | |
list2mat | |
mat2list | |
&+ |
Name | Description |
maxnorm | |
l1norm | |
l2norm | |
normalize | |
unitV | |
.+ | |
.- | |
.* | |
./ | |
dot | |
cross |
Name | Description |
mean | |
variance | |
stddev | |
stddevp | |
median | |
quantile | |
quartiles |
Name | Description |
table |
Name | Description |
plotcontour | |
plotfunc | |
plotimplicit | |
plotinequation | |
plotlist | |
plotode | |
plotparam | |
plotpolar | |
plotseq |
Name | Description |
area | |
areaat | |
areaatraw | |
extract_measure | |
locus | |
-< | |
color | |
display | |
histogram |
Name | Description |
angle | |
angleat | |
angleatraw | |
bisector | |
exbisector |
Control Flow
Name | Description |
-> | |
:= | |
=> | |
=< | |
array_sto | |
*= | |
+= | |
-= | |
/= | |
begin | |
breakpoint | |
for | |
switch | |
try | |
debug | |
if | |
error | |
throw | |
halt | |
piecewise | |
proc | |
program | |
purge | |
restart | |
stack | |
sto | |
user_operator | |
++ | |
-- |
Name | Description |
convert | |
mksa |
Name | Description |
lname | |
lvar | |
algvar | |
has | |
about | |
additionally | |
assume | |
approx | |
backquote | |
bloc | |
curve | |
type | |
# |
Application-Specific Commands
These commands can only be invoked in certain apps.
Common Plot View Commands
These commands are available in any app with the standard Plot view.
Common Numeric View Commands
These commands are available in any app with the standard Numeric view.
Name | Description |
NumStart | |
NumStep | |
NumType | |
NumIndep | |
NumZoom |
Function App
Name | Description |
F0...F9 | |
Extremum | |
Isect | |
Root | |
SignedArea | |
Slope | |
AREA | |
ROOT | |
Advanced Graphing App
Name | Description |
S0...S9 | |
NumXStart | |
NumYStart | |
NumXStep | |
NumYStep | |
NumXZoom | |
NumYZoom |
Geometry App
Note that most geometry instructions are not from this app; in fact, they come from the CAS's geometry commands. See that section for details.
Name | Description |
PixSize | |
ScrollText | |
Instruction | |
DelInstruction |
Spreadsheet App
See the following guides for more info:
Statistics 1Var App
Name | Description |
H1...H5 | |
D0...D9 | |
NbItem | |
MinVal | |
Q₁ | |
MedVal | |
Q₃ | |
MaxVal | |
ΣX | |
ΣX2 | |
MeanX | |
sX | |
σX | |
serrX | |
ssX | |
Hmin | |
Hmax | |
Hwidth | |
Do1VStats | |
SetFreq | |
SetSample |
Statistics 2Var App
Name | Description |
S1...S5 | |
C0...C9 | |
NbItem | |
Corr | |
CoefDet | |
sCov | |
σCov | |
ΣXY | |
MeanX | |
ΣX | |
ΣX2 | |
ΣY | |
ΣY2 | |
MeanX | |
MeanY | |
sX | |
σX | |
sY | |
σY | |
serrX | |
ssX | |
serrY | |
ssY | |
PredX | |
PredY | |
Resid | |
Do2VStats | |
SetDepend | |
SetIndep |
Inference App
Data Streamer App
Name | Description |
Solve App
Name | Description |
E0...E9 | |
Linear Solver App
Name | Description |
LSystem | |
LSolution | |
Solve2×2 | |
Solve3×3 | |
LinSolve |
Quadratic Explorer App
Name | Description |
Trig Explorer App
Name | Description |
Triangle Solver App
Name | Description |
SideA | |
SideB | |
SideC | |
AngleA | |
AngleB | |
AngleC | |
TriType | |
AAS | |
ASA | |
SAS | |
SSA | |
SSS | |
DoSolve |
Finance App
Name | Description |
NbPmt | |
IPYR | |
PV | |
PMT | |
FV | |
PPYR | |
CPYR | |
BEG | |
GSize | |
TvmNbPmt | |
TvmIPYR | |
TvmPV | |
TvmPMT | |
TvmFV | |
DoFinance |
Linear Explorer App
Name | Description |
SolveForSlope | |
SolveForYIntercept |
Parametric App
Name | Description |
X0...X9 | |
Y0...Y9 |
Sequence App
Name | Description |
U0...U9 |
Polar App
Name | Description |
R0...R9 |